[HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 2 오라클(Oracle)
츄르사려고 코딩하는집사입니다. 1. [HackerRank] Weather Observation Station 2 오라클(Oracle) 2. 문제 출처 https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/weather-observation-station-2/problem?isFullScreen=true Weather Observation Station 2 | HackerRank Write a query to print the sum of LAT_N and the sum of LONG_W separated by space, rounded to 2 decimal places. www.hackerrank.com 4. 풀이 - STATION 테이블에서 LAT_N의 합과 LONG_W의 합을 구한 다..
2024. 1. 31.