

츄르사려고 코딩하는 코집사입니다.

1. [백준] 백준 1809번 Moo 골프스크립트(GolfScript)

1) 문제번호 : 1809


2) 문제 출처



1809번: Moo

You’ve decided to buy a farm and start a new life. To pass some time while you wait for the title of the land to go through, produce the following ascii cow.



2. 문제

You’ve decided to buy a farm and start a new life. To pass some time while you wait for the title of the land to go through, produce the following ascii cow.


소 그리랍니다.


3. 제약사항


4. 입력



5. 출력

(o o)____/
 @@      \
  \ ____,/
  //   //
 ^^   ^^



6. 풀이

- 아래와 같이 제출하면 된다.


7. 소스 코드

(o o)____/
 @@      \
  \ ____,/
  //   //
 ^^   ^^'


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