
안녕하세요, 츄르 사려고 코딩하는 집사 코집사입니다.

이번 오픽 글에는 기억에 남는 프로젝트 입니다.

문장이 완벽하지 않을 수 있으니, 참고하시기 바랍니다!


I would imagine that you have a school project that was especially memorable. 

When did you work on the project and what was it about? Who did you do project with? Describe it in detail.


i already told you that i had done the project that is Application of insect recognition based on image recognition using deep learning technology.

The people who participated in the project were my superiors.

As we proceeded with the project, we had no data.

The data associated with the Project was raw data on the internet.

So, we started collecting data and processed the data.

we cut and copied the data of 70,000 images.

And um.. we pent a lot of time. About six days?

we had done the work while listening to music.

This project gave me a valuable experience.

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