
안녕하세요, 츄르 사려고 코딩하는 집사 코집사입니다.

이번 오픽 글에서는 질문자에게 프로젝트에 대한 질문입니다.


I go to university, too. Please ask me three or four questions to find out everything about the project I did at school.


I heard that you had done a project at university.

what kind of the project? 

what is your project name?

Um.. Personal project? or a group Project?

Oh, group project?

Who did you do the project with ?

Were there problems during the project?

you know, when we proceed the project, There are a lot of problems.

Whether there is a problem of opinion or a minor problem and so on.

Were you satisfied with the result of the project?

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