
1. 감점포인트

1) 잦은 문법 오류

2) 느낌만 말하는 답안 -> 예를 들어, 평화로워 보인다. 등

3) 잦은 버벅임


2. 득점 포인트

1) 문법이 대부분 정확

2) 인물과 장소 묘사가 상세하며 많은 발화량 -> 대략 12문장 정도

3) 매끄러운 발화


3. 답변구성 4단계

1) 장소를 먼저 설명하기

This picture was taken at a park.

This photo was taken on a street.



2) 인물묘사 매직템플릿 활용하기

Firstly, a woman is holding a baby.


Firstly, what i notice first is a woman who is holding a baby.


She is wearing blue pants.


she seems to be spending some free time.


she seems to be spending some free time with her friends.


Next to her, her friend is wearing a sleeveless top and shorts, and she is looking at a baby.


Next to her, her friend is wearing a sleeveless top and shorts, and she seems to be watching a baby sitting on the lawn.


They are enjoying the warm weather with their kids.


3) 장소묘사는 간단하게!

In the background, I can see a fountain, and there are street lamps.


In the background, the water is spraying from the fountain.

There are street lamps spread around the park.

Many trees are standing along the street, and they are full of leaves.

Also, some people are walking around or relaxing.


4) 느낌으로 정리!

Overall, it seems like a typical park, and it looks very peaceful.




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